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Winning Over that Feeling of Failure

Woman looking up, eyes closed with peaceful look.

It was quiet and dark as I sank into my chair. Sleep wasn’t coming that night.  I was fighting disappointment in myself, as again I felt like a failure at being what I desired to be. What triggered the feeling isn’t important … but what is, is where my thoughts led.

Scripture tells us of our need to be overcomers, and I want my Father to be proud of me by being so. But no matter my successes, many times I feel whipped by my short-comings and failures, which drag me down.

My thoughts churned. “What do I do, God? Am I ever going to be able to break this cycle of failing then telling you, ‘I’m sorry’, only to repeat it over and over again?”   

I felt discouraged.

It wasn’t long before the words, “Live Jesus,” jumped out of my thoughts. I could almost picture them too. “Live Jesus. What does that mean, Lord?” I asked myself.  The answer soon came. As Christians, no matter what God has placed on our heart to do or be … no matter who we are … whether wealthy or poor … highly educated or a struggling student … no matter if we stand in the pulpit or sit in the pew … if we set our minds and hearts on “living Jesus”, we can know with certainty we are winning the fight against the feeling of failure, for we are living out what Matthew 6:33 (amp) tells us to do:  Live Jesus

I like the way the Amplified version puts it:

“But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right — the attitude and character of God], and all these things (what we need or seek) will be given to you also.

Just two words. But they remind us that by keeping our focus on just one thing: faithfully following and Living Jesus, we can learn not to live by our feelings – like we too often tend to do – but by our confidence and trust in the one we’re following, to help us overcome the challenges and challengers we face.

To fight the feeling of failure, “Live Jesus” and we will win!  For He came to show us how we can, “...have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10 NIV)


Published in FaithWriter's Daily Devotional,10/31/24


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