We're Growing!
We transplanted Wall Postings for the Soul to grow!
We took the opportuity of needing to move from our old web host to a new one, to upgrade our website so it better reflects the heart of Wall Postings for the Soul, and to include tangible helps for our busy lives. We are in the process of doing so, starting with the first thing on our list...

FIRST... We're rounding up all the posts created since Wall Postings began (and before) and will be posting them here through our blog, to increase our resources for you. It will take time, so after we have a good start on it, we plan to then launch our SECOND new feature! So read on...

SECOND... Plan to submit your favorite recipe (or recipes) to join us when we launch our new page to collect helpful recipes that can help us help each other by sharing our favorite receipes that are simple to fix, healthy and dee-licious! Keep your eyes peeled for new ones too you can share. Then either type out the recipe in the convenient form we'll be providing, or if it's online, let us know your source by sending us the URL link. We want to "give credit where credit is due", and it's always nice to know if there's a story behind the dish you'll be sharing, so in addition to your name, be sure to include the city and state (or country) you live in. And if you like, share the story behind the dish. We would like to post those short stories or thoughts with your recipe, so we can enjoy them with you.

THIRD... We have a vision of other pages that promise to be of great benefit too. Until details are worked out with others though, we can only say, "be watching for more to be added as they start coming together." If you're a praying person, pray for us too, as "Wall Postings for the Soul" seeks to uplift and encourage others in these often discouraging, confusing times.